Hi! I'm Luna Ruiz

Luna Ruiz picture

B.S. Computer Engineering

Columbia University 2020


Proficient: Python, Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Git, Flask, Vim, C/C++, SQL (PosegreSQL)

Exposure: Django, MongoDB, Amazon Web Services (S3, Athena)

An Afro-Latina computer engineer born and raised in Harlem, NY. My interests include technology, fashion and sports. When I'm not trying to answer life's big questions or blasting Hip-Hop/R&B music in my already-noisy home, I'm at my desk trying to fix all the problems in the world with my keyboard. Check out some of my work or my work experience.

Current Work

My personal goal is to become a Full-Stack Web Developer and create projects that make an impact in one's life. I have experience in programming but have yet to master at least one full web stack. In an attempt to do this, I have worked with Wordpress, React.js+Firebase, Django, etc.
After extensive research and hours of wandering on the internet, I decided to focus on the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js) stack. Check out what I'm working on now below.

Working on:

Recently Completed: